Volunteer With Us!
Become a part of a caring community of volunteers. The Sun City Center Emergency Squad depends on the willingness of community residents to serve. Volunteer opportunities exist in many different areas.
Previous medical or first responder experience is not needed!
Click on these inks to learn more about volunteer jobs within the Squad:
No prior medical experience is necessary. We provide training and uniforms.
Our volunteers range in age from 18 to 90, with the average age of 70. Many volunteers have celebrated 10, 15 or 20 years or more with the Squad and the average volunteer stay is 5 years.
What Do The Sun City Center Emergency Squad Volunteers Do?
Like any big organization there are dozens of jobs both involving patient care and support services. Eight teams provide 24-hour response to emergency calls on an 8-day rotation. Up to two ambulances and one van can be in use at any one time. The eight teams are supported by dozens of volunteers who provide everything from training, to cooking, cleaning, and IT support. Click on the links below to learn more about some of the jobs within the squad. No prior medical experience is necessary, we provide training and uniforms.
We’d love to tell a recruit: “Come on down! There’s an ambulance waiting for you!”
We can’t. Regulations and insurance require that we go through a process that includes:
A criminal background check.
Certification in appropriate care techniques.
A physical.
We’ll also need letters of reference and details of your work history. It’s all in the downloadable application form.